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How long do singing waiters perform for? Well there’s a short answer, and a longer answer, and although our performances usually take place during the dessert course, we’re here to break down the entire day for you. There’s so much more that goes on behind the scenes as opposed to just our performance to help make your wedding or corporate event that extra bit special. Below we will run through the entire day for our singers, and what exactly happens.


Our day usually starts at around 7am with getting ready and driving to your venue. We travel all throughout the UK and abroad, so sometimes we can be driving upwards of 3 hours in one direction to reach your venue. Our surprise singers always arrive incognito and before your guests arrive for the ceremony. This is so that we can set up and sound check without anyone overhearing or seeing us, as of course it’s of the utmost importance that we keep our presence a complete surprise. On average we will arrive at the venue 2 hours before your guests are due.

Sound Check

Our undercover waiters will then spend the next hour setting up all of our equipment in your wedding breakfast room or event space. Although we allow 2 hours for this, it never usually takes us this long. We always allow extra time in case we need to move any of the equipment, or any guests arrive early. Sound checks for this type of performance are essential for our singing staff. This is where we will check the volume of our performance and make sure it is appropriate for your venue, check that the equipment is working, and that our backing tracks are level. It’s also a good excuse to warm up our vocal chords and run through our harmonies! After we are satisfied with the above, we will then disappear off for a couple of hours to grab a well deserved coffee!


Next comes the part where it’s time for our secret singers to blend in seamlessly with the rest of the wait staff. Throughout your meal we will help with basic duties such as clearing empty glasses, pouring wine, and refilling water jugs. We will leave food service to the professionals, although we have now become experts in directing your guests to the bathrooms or finding extra salt and pepper. Depending on the amount of guests you have, we will normally help serve for approximately 2 hours (until dessert comes out!).


A few moments after the last dessert has been served is when the biggest surprise of your day is about to take place. Starting with a tray drop, our surprise shows kick everything off with a bang (or a fall!). We will then perform 7/8 songs which works out at just over 30 minutes long. We find half an hour to be the perfect length for our silver service singers, as our aim is to keep everyone engaged and entertained. This is also the ideal time to inject some energy into your day as there’s usually a post food lull at this point. Over the next half an hour, our secret servers will have your friends and family up waving napkins, doing the conga, and creating memories to last a lifetime.


After the performance we will pack down all of our equipment which takes an additional half an hour. If you have any speeches or awards planned for after our show we will remove the equipment from the room quickly and pack down outside so that we don’t interfere with what you have planned. It’s then time for the drive home, and that’s a day in the life of a singing waiter!

As you can see, that whilst our singing waiters performances are officially 30 minutes long, it’s a very full and busy day for us. We love nothing more than creating the best memories possible and to ensure that our performance is the highlight of your event.

For more information simply drop us an email, or fill out the booking form for a no obligation quote.